Friday, January 4, 2013

Trapezius exercises

Yesterday, I was able to witness a friend of mine go through physical therapy after having arthroscopic surgery for a rotator cuff tear in the right shoulder.  She's doing really well and is on her way to recovery.

I learned that I should probably be doing exercises for my trapezius muscle to counter the loss of muscle strength in my shoulder post op.  Also, it would take the strain off my right shoulder when attempting to perform daily activities of living with my right arm.

So that's what I did today.  I went to the gym and did some shoulder shrugs with 8-lb. dumbbells.

Shoulder Shrugs

Bar Upright Row
Dumbbell Rear Deltoid Raise
A friend showed me a neat workout for the traps called the dumbbell rear deltoid raise (I really like this one)!  And there are some other fun ones I did with a 30 lb. bar like the bar upright row.  My trapezius was burning yes!

So far my workouts have not been as consistent as I'd like, but I'm not beating myself up for it.  Take it one step at a time and get better each day!

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." 

- Vol. 2 181.1 Ellen G. White, 1987

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